Ceramic sand Cerabeads® a way for sustainable production
Radim Opacity
Itochu Europe PLC/Great Britain
Still using Silica sand? Recently there has been a global demand for a significant reduction in crystalline silica and industrial waste. In addition, as castings become more complex and lighter
in weight, the difficulty of not only making the mold and core but also the difficulty of casting manufacturing is increasing. These factors are making it more difficult for foundries to use silica sand. CERABEADS is used in foundries around the world and is an essential component for casting all alloys in a wide range of industrial casting applications such as automotive, energy, construction, mining and agriculture industries. The use of CERABEADS has attracted worldwide attention for its contributions to improving workplace conditions, reducing
industrial waste and advancing foundry technology.
The advantages of using CERABEADS, which is manufactured with adjusted ingredients to ensure consistent quality, are as follows:
High heat resistance:Even at high temperatures, CERABEADS sand particles do not easily fuse together, so they can be relatively easily crushed back to the sand particle.
Very low thermal expansion: CERABEADS improves mold stability during hot conditions and reduces defects such as veining.
High crush resistance of sand particles: Compared to other types of sand, CERABEADS has a smaller crushing rate and maintains a high yield even with HARD attrition polishing type reclamation which reduces dust generation.
Small mold deformation during heating: CERABEADS has little thermal expansion and deformation, ensuring the dimensional accuracy of castings.
Bulk density on par with silica sand but almost without crystalline silica: CERABEADS has a bulk density almost equivalent to that of silica sand and is lighter than special sands such as zircon, chromite, and fused bauxite sand. When replacing special sand, it is possible to reduce the weight purchased.
Most European foundries use Cerabeads sand only for cores to eliminate casting defects, however, to use Cerabeads sand the right way reclaiming the used Cerabeads should be highly considered. Due to its high durability, Cerabeads sand lasts more than 10 times longer than silica sand, helping foundries eliminate the bad influence of crystalline silica, reduce the
purchase of new sand just to a necessary minimum, and significantly reduce disposal of used sand and dust. Together with all the performance benefits of Cerabeads sand, its repeated use is
environmentally and even economically beneficial compared to the conventional silica sand or other alternatives.